Dog Assessment

Dog Assessment
Dog Assessment
We require that all dogs be registered and undergo an assessment session before being enrolled into our play school.
  • We accept dogs from 12 weeks old and stipulate that all male dogs over 12 months be neutered before assessment and enrolment.
  • We also insist that all standard vaccinations should be up-to-date and that your dog(s) have been vaccinated against Kennel Cough. (this will need to be asked for at your vets as it is not part of the standard vaccinations)
  • These conditions are made and enforced to ensure the safety of all dogs that attend the play school.
  • Please note: We are NOT able to except the XL Bully breed due to insurance and the new law in place.

Assessment enquiry form

If your dog meets the above requirements, please complete the enquiry form, and we will be in touch to arrange an assessment.

If your dog does not currently meet our requirements, please complete the enquiry form and let us know a date when your dog will be ready for an assessment session.

Dog Assessment

Are your dog's vaccinations up to date?
Is your dog vaccinated against Kennel Cough?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.